Stefan Leins

Postponed due to COVID-19.
Stefan Leins is assistant professor in anthropology at the University of Konstanz. He is interested in theories of capitalism and works on commodity trading, supply chains, financial analysis, forecasting practices, Islamic finance, socially responsible investing, the history of economic knowledge and the narrative dimension of finance. His first book Stories of Capitalism: Inside the Role of Financial Analysts was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2018.
Maryam Rokhideh is a PhD Candidate in the joint program of Anthropology and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. Her research concerns social safety nets in situations of conflict and crisis. Her dissertation stems from extensive ethnographic fieldwork in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, where she examines women’s cross-border trade networks and welfare. She is currently a Woodrow Wilson Dissertation fellow in Women’s Studies. She is interested in emerging threats and how to deal with them and has published on chronic health crises, post-conflict recovery, and social cohesion.
Milica Popović is a PhD candidate at the Interdisciplinary doctoral programme in Balkan studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, and at the Doctoral School of Sciences Po Paris, affiliated with CERI (Center for International Studies). The title of her thesis is “(Post)Yugoslav memories as resistance strategies – Understanding the political significance of Yugonostalgia”. She is interested in transcultural memory and transgenerational transmission of memory within post-socialist contexts and the influences of memory and nostalgia onto the political identities of political and social elites in (post)Yugoslav countries; as well as representation and discursive uses of nostalgia in the political field. Her most recent publications include “Yugo-nostalgia and the return of former state borders”, co-authored with prof. Jacques Rupnik (Enciclopedia Italiana, 3/2, 2019), “Yugonostalgia – the Meta-National Memory Narratives of the Last Pioneers” (Yugonostalgia on the Move, Museum of Yugoslavia, 2018) and “Exhibiting Yugoslavia” (Družboslovne Razprave, 81/32, 2016).