Events 2021

SOLIDARITIES Research Project:

25 February 2021, 15:00-16:30 (CET)

“The rise of surveillance and sanctions in the reformed welfare state.” Webinar by Vincent Dubois.

Among numerous innovations and changes, welfare reform in western countries has recently revitalized welfare control, defined as the institutional arrangements and practices aimed at checking that recipients comply with the rules of welfare benefits. Why did this revival of control occur? How has welfare fraud been constructed and promoted as a public problem? How has a bureaucratic routine been raised to the status of a political and policy issue? How is control organized and implemented? What are its impacts on the lives of the recipients? By addressing these questions, my research provides an original contribution to the analysis of the new balance between politics, economics and morals that define the contemporary social state. It shows how legal regulation, financial constraints, surveillance technologies and direct interactions between bureaucrats and clients intertwine in the new government of the underprivileged. This talk will present some of the results of a forthcoming book based on empirical research on the French case.

For details and registration click here!

15th congress

21–24 June 2021

Panel ‘Care as act of transgression’.

The panel ‘Care as act of transgression’ explores how rules and their transgressions shape relations of care. Given the substantial opacity of care as an array of practices, expectations and moral imageries, we draw attention to the ways in which relations of care are entangled with forms of violence and acts of transgression.

Tatjana Thelen (University of Vienna)

Letizia Bonanno (Loughborough University & University of Kent)
Ahmad Moradi (EHESS)

Deadline for papers: 26 November 2020.
For details on the SIEF2021 congress program click here!

MAYS Discussion Workshop

23 August 2021, 14:00-17:00 (CET)

Healthcare and the State

Aligning with the ongoing discussion on care and the state and departing from the idea of biomedicine as a crucial component to post-pandemic statecraft projects, this workshop wants to explore what contribution medical anthropology can give to our understanding of the relationship between the state and those who contest, comply and respond to its services and discourses. We invite original contributions focusing on research empirical outcomes or exploring theoretical possibilities which revolve around public health measures, policies, discourses and their reception.
The workshop is supported by the Medical Anthropology Young Scholars (EASA network) and it is part of MAYS Method Series.

Letizia Bonanno (Loughborough University & University of Kent)
Giuseppe Troccoli (University of Southampton)

Registration deadline: June 1st 2021.
For more details click here.

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