Letizia Bonanno

Letizia earned her PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester in 2019. Since March 2020 she’s been lecturing on Sociology at Loughborough University and from January 2021, she will join the department of Anthropology and Conservation at the University of Kent as an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow. Her research interests revolve around issues of care and gendered labour regimes, biomedicine and statecraft. She’s conducted long term ethnographic fieldwork where she researched the process of pharmaceuticalisation of care and the emergence of grassroots, self-organised healthcare facilities during the years of the economic crisis. Her postdoctoral project draws on her previous research and focuses on the multiple processes of reconfiguration of care in austerity- burdened Greece. Since 2014, she’s also been writing on and experimenting with drawing as an ethnographic method and a tool of research dissemination.
Reconfigurations of Care in Austerity-burdened Athens
Recent Publications
Book Review: Nadia Seremtakis: Sensing the everyday. Dialogues from austerity Greece.
Eerie desires for an authoritarian state. Covid 19 updates from Italy.
Link: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=ES%2FV010085%2F1