Ivan Rajković

Ivan Rajković

Ivan finished his PhD in social anthropology at the University of Manchester in 2015. Before coming to University of Vienna as a University Assistant Postdoc, he was a Mellon Fellow at School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UCL and a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle.

Ivan’s research combines economic, political and environmental anthropology to explore transformations of debt and obligation in South East European economies. His first project, The Gift of Labour, explored the making of an “indebted worker” in a post-Yugoslav car factory after deindustrialization. His new research, How to Inherit a Mountain, explores socio-economic effects of the energy transition, particularly from the point of view of environmentalist activists fighting hydropower and cattle herders in Serbia.


How to inherit a mountain: equivalences of life in the Balkans’ environmental struggles

Recent Publications

Whose death, whose eco-revival?

Emerging varieties of work. In: A Handbook of Economic Anthropology (ed. James Carrier)

FIAT Automobiles Serbia: The Split Moral Economy of Public-Private Partnerships.

Duh Pruge: sloboda, dar i rad na Omladinskoj pruzi E.P. Thompsona [The Railway Spirit: Freedom, Gift and Work in E. P. Thompson’s “Omladinska Pruga”]

On the Side of Predictable. Visioning the Future in Serbia.

Mutating States.

Introduction: Against the Green Screen.

Rivers to the people: Ecopopulist Universality in the Balkan Mountains.

Concern for the State: ‘Normality’, State Effect and Distributional Claims in Serbia

For an anthropology of the demoralized: state pay, mock-labour, and unfreedom in a Serbian firm

From Familial to Familiar – Corruption, Political Intimacy, and the Reshaping of Relatedness in Serbia


Link: https://ksa.univie.ac.at/en/department/people/post-docs/ivan-rajkovic/

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