Alexandra Schwell

Alexandra Schwell

Portrait photo Alexandra Schwell

Alexandra is a professor of Empirical Cultural Studies in the Department of Cultural Analysis at Klagenfurt University. Her research interests include Europeanization, anthropology of the political, border studies, the state and bureaucracies, emotion and affect, ethnographic methods and, most recently, music festivals. She has done fieldwork with Polish anarchists, with German and Polish border guards, with Austrian security officials, schoolchildren and football fans during international tournaments. She was work package leader in the FREE project (“Football Research in an Enlarged Europe”, FP7) and subproject leader in the project “Doing World Heritage” (BMWFW).


(In)security and the state

Recent Publications

Navigating Difficult Terrain

Negotiating the Imagined Geography of Europeanness in Polish State Bureaucracies

When (In)Security Travels: Europeanisation and Migration in Poland



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