Roman Szorad

Roman studied social and cultural anthropology at the University of Vienna and sociology at Charles University, Prague. His master’s thesis explored state forestry through historically informed ethnographic fieldwork in rural Slovakia. The work shed light on mutually entangled processes of de- and re-valuation of state foresters’ work and, simultaneously, on different value forms re-negotiated within and beyond present-day forest politics. As part of the interdisciplinary doc.funds doctoral programme “The Dynamics of Change and the Logics of Transformation: State, Society, and Economy at Critical Junctures”, Roman will conduct his PhD research on social work as (relationally) transforming the state in eastern Bulgaria. Accordingly, his main research interests include the anthropology of the state, care, value(s), the re-production of socio-economic inequalities and (“post”-socialist) state transformations.
Transforming the State through Social Work in Burgas, Bulgaria