Amélie Renz

Amélie Renz

Amélie currently is a PhD researcher in the comparative ethnographic research project Politics of the Periphery in Urban Latin America: Reconceptualising Politics from the Margins (POPULAR) at Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
Her PhD project explores the relationships between residents of low-income neighbourhoods and the state around issues of housing and urban restructuring in Recife, Brazil. Before joining the POPULAR project, Amélie studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Leipzig and the University of Vienna. In her master thesis, she ethnographically explored the intersections of the (inadvertent) institutional reproduction of marginalization, humanitarian governance and care at a state-led development initiative implemented by an NGO in Hungary. Her research interests include the anthropology of care, the state, Mrality, structural violence, and everyday life.


Urban Restructuring, the State and Low-Income Residents



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