André Thiemann

André works as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences in the BOAR project. A trained social anthropologist, he previously held fellowships at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research ZIF Bielefeld and at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Budapest, was Visiting Professor of Social Anthropology at the Central European University Budapest and worked as Visiting Lead Researcher at Riga Stradiņš University, where he led the project ‘Comparing vital capitals: An anthropological analysis of the global value chains of sea buckthorn and raspberries’.
His research addresses central questions of the anthropology of the state at the intersection of political ecology, economy and care.
The government of relations: How politics, infrastructures and welfare transform the state in Serbia
Recent Publications
Commodity Chains. In: Handbook of Economic Anthropology (ed. James Carrier)
The Red Gold of Serbia. A Historical Ethnography of Serbian Raspberry Production for the Global Market.
Moral Appreciation: Caring for Post-Socialist Cows in Contemporary Serbia
State Kinning and Kinning the State in Serbian Elder Care Programs